Work from home VS Live at work-Bowen Therapy and postural pain.

“Unprecedented times” a phrase which we have all heard several times this year.  The decision for office workers to be able complete their work from home sparked mixed emotions across different personalities.  The introverts rejoiced; the extroverts wondered how they would cope. 

For some it meant no more daily commute and more time in their day for exercise or connection with their loved ones and for others it meant an increased workload of learning how to complete their job at home whilst schooling children as well.  For most the decision to do so was swift and may have been without robust plans for workers physical health (workstation ergonomics) or workers mental or emotional health.  For some it may have been hard to “clock in and clock out” at their normal start and finish times whilst working at home allowing for the work life to flow over into home life and vice versa.

Considering how many hours are spent at a computer during the average workday, if your physical workstation was NOT ideal you may be feeling some residual tension or even pain in the mid to upper back and even the neck.  If you mind is conjuring up visions of you with your laptop in bed, on the lounge, kitchen bench or anywhere other than a desk with a well-positioned office chair I am speaking directly to you so read on!

Bowen Therapy may assist with reducing and eliminating physical and emotional tension within the body.  Bowen works superficially on the fascia (connective tissue) of the body.  The therapist makes gentle cross-fibre moves on the body across muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerve bundles sending message to the brain via the nervous system telling the body to “Rest and Reset” 

Bowen Therapy focuses on changing the nervous system from the Flight or Fright mode (sympathetic) to the Rest and Repair mode (parasympathetic).  This explains the deep sense of relaxation experienced during a treatment and assist positive changes to occur both physically, emotionally, energetically, and even spiritually within the body.   The gentle nature of Bowen helps to re-hydrate the fascial network which may allow for improved function of organs and body tissues as a result.

If you would like to learn more about how Bowen Therapy may work for you make in for call 54390097 or txt 0408 836 321 to arrange a free 10 min Discover Bowen Session.  


Bowen Therapy now available Mon-Fri


Immunity, Body Movement, Lymphatic System and Bowen.